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Galatians 1:1-5 … Remember me?

January 24, 2024

There’s something about Paul’s salutation in verses one through five that is kind of unique.

Most ancient letters, Paul’s included, open with the salutation containing the author’s name, the name of those to whom he’s writing, and an expression of good wishes. Paul’s opening here does that. But in Paul’s other letters, he usually mentions something nice about the people he’s writing to, something favorable.

What’s surprising about this letter is that there is no expression of praise for the churches in Galatia. This opening salutation is concise in its brevity, and it contains a hint of anger. He’s not playing. He is not playing games. What exactly has Paul so upset – because trust me… he IS upset.

False teachers have attacked his authority in the body of Christ. They have attacked his teaching, the ministry given to him to teach to the Gentiles by Jesus Christ himself. And Paul is angry.

I get the sense that the brevity of this salutation is short so that Paul can get right to the reason he is writing them. Paul is going to now turn his attention to the issues at hand – the false doctrine and these false teachers.

Paul is ready to go to battle, and he’s had enough.

Paige C. Garwood M.Ed; MFA


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Galatians 1:1-5 … Remember me?


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