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Galatians 2:3-10… Friction between Paul and Jerusalem?

January 24, 2024

I’ve got Galatians to thank for a couple things. It’s opening my eyes up on the dynamic of the early church leadership. Currently, I’m beginning to see that there were basically two parties in the early church, the Peter, James and John party and the Paul party. Or think of it as the Jerusalem church and the Gentile church. 

They didn’t know it then, but within several decades, Rome would destroy Jerusalem and its temple, and there would be no Jerusalem church. In preparation, the church needed to be able to work and exist in the Gentile world, and Paul was the man chosen by God to accomplish this. 

But for now, both existed, and there was an uneasy tension between Paul and the Jerusalem Church leadership. as we will see in this letter.

I can only imagine the confusion on the Galatians part, especially if these false teachers came with real or faked authorization from Jerusalem.

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Paige C. Garwood M.Ed; MFA

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Galatians 2:3-10… Friction between Paul and Jerusalem?


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