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Introduction to Galatians – Grace? or Grace PLUS ?

January 24, 2024

Paul has to fight a battle on two fronts. On the one hand, he has to confront some false teachers personally concerning the foundation of their message/gospel that they are bringing to Galatia in his absence. Their view of Grace and the Law was wrong, according to Paul.

On the other hand, (and perhaps this is the foundational issue), Paul has issues with the Church leadership in Jerusalem – particularly James. We must understand that Paul was not selected by Jerusalem to work among the Gentiles – he was an outsider from the beginning. Once he was converted on the road to Damascus, he immediately went to work preaching the Gospel – HIS version of the Gospel as given to Him personally by Jesus… namely that being Torah observant and being circumcised was not necessary for justification. James in particular seems to be at odds with Paul on this matter. On at least one other occasion, James had sent a deputation to Antioch WHILE PAUL WAS TEACHING to try and correct Paul. This resulted in a fierce argument between Paul and James’ deputation resulting in both parties returning together (THAT must have been an awkward journey) to Jerusalem to debate this matter in the presence of the other Apostles. Following this debate, the Apostles agreed with Paul after both sides presented their case. As evidenced by this letter, (which was written after that council), there are still issues.

The issue at hand – Grace alone? Or Grace PLUS being Torah observant?

Paige C. Garwood M.Ed; MFA

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Introduction to Galatians – Grace? or Grace PLUS ?


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