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Why all these cabin and Alpine outdoor pictures?

February 1, 2024

I grew up in Alaska… because of that, I have an affinity for Alpine outdoorsy cabin related pictures.

But there is an actual other reason.

It started with a dream. Where I died. Somebody once told me that when you die in a dream you don’t wake up. Apparently that is a lie.

Anyway – back to my dream…


as in


angel was escorting me through an Alpine forest… a little brook to my right emptied into a lake just up  ahead. I could see the lake through the trees. I heard loons out on the lake.


We turned a corner on the trail, and there it was – the most gorgeous log cabin with a HUGE porch. We stepped up on the porch – did I mention it was a HUGE porch – God knows I love cabins with a huge porch… gotta have room for a bunch of pickers… – and the angel opened the door and ushered me in.

Open beam ceilings, a loft, huge stone fireplace – and over against the wall was the most beautiful guitar I have ever seen. I was reaching for it when I woke up. To say I was sorely disappointed that I didn’t get to touch that guitar would be an understatement.

I really don’t care if you give any credence to dreams or not, but I believe I got a “preview of coming attractions” for when God calls me home. I have a cabin. In the mountains. Next to a lake and a babbling brook.It has loons. and the most beautiful guitar I have ever seen.

So I will celebrate that dream with pictures of cabins. Everywhere.



There ARE two more reason I have cabin pictures everywhere.

My Blog.

My Website.

So enjoy the blog posts, interact as you will… and enjoy all these cabin/mountain/alpine pictures.






Why all these cabin and Alpine outdoor pictures?


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