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What I Believe…. Jesus Part 2

February 12, 2024

What did JESUS say about Himself?

Was He God?

Was He a good man executed for doing good things?

Was He a good and moral teacher?

Here is the Video link to the podcast…

What I Believe… Jesus Part 2

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Paige C. Garwood M.Ed; MFA


What I Believe…. Jesus Part 2


  1. Pete says:

    When I was growing up and going to church, my mother always told me when you get confused about the Bible, in any way pay particular attention to the words and red and you will never be wrong and that will help you stay focused. Your podcasts are awesome and I learn something every time I listen to one of them. Keep up the good work!

  2. Pete says:

    Well, I was growing up going to church with my mom, one of the most important things she ever told me was to always pay attention to the words in red. This podcast simply emphasizes that and she was not wrong! l learn something every time I listen to your podcast. Keep up the great work brother!

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