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Psalm 1:1… Walk… Stand… Sit

July 22, 2024

Welcome to the new series “Road Trip!” as I walk through my favorite Psalms. Today it is verse 1 of my absolute FAVORITE Psalm. In fact, this Psalm is the primary Scripture passage that kickstarted the Podcasts I have been doing for the last 3 + years!

In this first verse, the Psalmist contrasts the Believer with the Wicked.

Here is the Video link:


The audio links are to the right for Spotify and iTunes.

Here is the transcript I used for today’s podcast.


“I’ll let you know when we get there”

I am writing this preface before I begin this series of devotionals/Bible studies. I went to bed last night having finished 2 Peter, wondering what I would do next. And I woke up on this day – Sunday morning – excited, because my heart had given me my answer. Psalms. 

Firstly, I realized that in the course of my life, I had done very little meditating in the Psalms, beyond memorizing Psalm 23. This is odd to me as Psalms provide a window into not only the worship life of Israel, but also a window into its history – and I absolutely LOVE worship and history!

 For example, it provides many details into the mindset of David throughout his life. His fears, his victories, his defeats – many background details not seen in the narrative of David’s story can be found here. David’s struggle with Saul, his fight with Goliath, his despair over his sin with Bathsheba, his loss of his kingdom to his rebellious children. It’s all there. You need the Psalms to get the whole story of David.

David is not the only author of these Psalms. There are anonymous authors. David’s son Solomon contributes. There are songs of victory, defeat, praise… many subjects but with one overriding theme – God is Sovereign. He rules, and He is to be worshipped and exalted. No matter the circumstances, He is there.

How long will we be here in the Psalms? I have no idea. I am going to begin with Psalm 1. When done with that one, I am going to read until I see a place in my journey to pull over and camp a bit, much like when my family and I traveled across the United States. We would drive until we found an interesting place to stop… and then stop to soak in whatever it was we found interesting. 

It kind of feels like my commanding officer just commanded me to march. And when I ask “where?” He responds “I’ll let you know when we get there.”

I am looking forward to the journey.


Psalm 1

1:1… Walk…Stand…Sit

1  Blessed is the one
who does
not walk in step with the wicked
stand in the way that sinners take
sit in the company of mockers,

Walk… stand…sit.

Walk – “walk in step with the wicked”… or in another translation “walk in the counsel of the wicked”.

“walk in step with…” is a picture of two people walking together. Perhaps we could say that the Blessed man is NOT a partner with the wicked.

The word “wicked” substitutes for unbelievers. The Christ-follower does not rely on or seek out counsel from unbelievers. Their values are not the values of the Christ-follower, subsequently their advice comes from a context in which God is not a part. Christ followers do not put a premium on advice from the wicked.

To “stand in the way of sinners” is to go where they go, do what they do. This person “standing in the way of the sinners” will look like sinners look. In Peters epistle, he warns his constituency to NOT adopt the world’s standards. He reminds them that we Christ-followers represent a different Kingdom and we are to reflect the values of THAT Kingdom.

“…sit in the company of mockers” is a picture of someone who is welcomed by the “mockers” to be part of their community. Mockers deride, insult, and bully others with their words. A Christ-follower would never be part of that community. That is the antithesis of Christ’s command for us to “love our neighbor”.

When I first read this Psalm years ago, I took the 1st verse as a warning to believers to not act this way. I would think something like “Believers – don’t be duped into these things…”. Now I look at it differently. I would say it thusly “If you are indeed a Christ-follower, you will NOT be doing these things. These activities are the earmark of a non-believer, not a Christ-follower.” Someone who calls themself a Christ-follower yet acts like what is described in verse 1 here …. well, I fear for the salvation. Don’t accept my word for it – look to James chapter 1:22-26:

22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

26 Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. 

In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus is speaking.

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

These are not Christ-followers. Jesus calls them “evildoers”. Look at verse 21… these are people who say “Lord, Lord” – but are NOT doing what He says. Their lives do NOT reflect God’s light – they are NOT doing God’s will. These are people who tried to have it both ways… acting like a Believer AND one who stands, walks, and sits with the wicked, the sinners, and the mockers.

A confession that is not reflected in your day-to-day life,

 is no confession, but is a delusion.



Paige C. Garwood M.Ed; MFA


Psalm 1:1… Walk… Stand… Sit


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