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Psalm 23… A Life Well-Lived

August 23, 2024

I hesitated to do a devotional on this classic Psalm. There is so much stuff out there about this Shepherd’s Psalm, that I considered NOT doing a devotional on this Psalm. But …. God showed up and granted me one of the most rewarding times as I went through these verses.

Here is the Video link:

Psalm 23

Audio links are to the right for Spotify and iTunes.

Here is the transcript from which today’s podcast was recorded.

Psalm 23


This Psalm intimidates me when it comes to doing a devotional from it. I first memorized it when I was in the vicinity of 8 years old, at a small Nazarene church in Sitka, Alaska. I have read multiple authors’ take on it, and have heard numerous sermons based on this iconic Psalm. If my job in these devotionals was to teach and instruct, I would probably avoid this Psalm, as I truly believe I have nothing new to add to the body of information surrounding this passage.

However, these devotionals I am doing are not about my teaching anyone. These devotionals are my journey through the Scriptures, discovering what the Lord has for ME.  While I might have nothing I can possibly teach YOU on this beloved Psalm, I believe there is a great deal the Lord can teach ME as I read, think, and meditate on these verses i.e. “think with my mouth open”.

The Point of it all

1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

This verse is the point of it all. The rest of the Psalm is amplifies the point made in this verse, namely that because of Who He is (my shepherd), I lack nothing. Of course this would make sense to David, as HE was a shepherd as a young man. The Lord is my shepherd… now. He will be my shepherd… tomorrow. The Lord …IS… my shepherd.

Tranquility and Peace

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,

 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake.

This invokes a sense tranquility, laying down next to a calm stream of cool water, in the midst of lush green meadows. No conflict, no danger. Peace and tranquility. I have had times of peace and tranquility – I am currently in one now. Everything is in its right place – there is plenty of provision, plenty of rest – plenty of joy and peace surround me. My marriage has never been in a better place (48+ years!) and I have a dog that adores me. My life reflects these two verses currently. In the past, I have skipped these opening verses to focus on the “exciting stuff” – you know, that whole “valley of death” stuff coming up next. Not today – I am grateful for the tranquility of the green pastures and still, cool water. I think I will just “lie down” and bask in the goodness of the Lord.

The Valley of the Shadow

4 Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

Sometimes the journey from one place of tranquility to another involves traversing a dark and fearful valley, where danger exists. Sometimes a sheep might fall into a crevasse, and the shepherds crook is needed to lift that sheep out of where they have fallen. Sometimes, as hard as we try to be obedient, we slip and fall. The shepherd does not abandon us. I have gone through dark times where I had found myself in self-imposed circumstances from which I could not extricate myself, and I saw no hope. Yet.. somehow I WAS extricated. The shepherd’s crook lifted me out and put me back on the safer path. There have been times when I was in physical danger, and my shepherd defended me with His staff. The Shepherd’s crook is a comfort to me. I have seen Him protect and deliver me time and again throughout my life… trust me – I am comforted by the fact that my God fights for me and delivers me.

The Best Revenge is a Life Well-Lived

5 You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.

Someone once told me that the best revenge against your enemies is a life well-lived…. where they can see it…. where they have no more input or control, because your shepherd won’t allow them to exert themselves over you any more. They had their shot, they hurt you, and now you prosper where they can see. Surrounded by enemies, you rest. Surrounded by foes, you eat… well. My shepherd gives me food. My shepherd gives me drink. My shepherd grants me success in my new endeavor, anointing me for my new career. And my enemies can see it all. I have come through that dark valley where they live, and I did not die. They see me eat, they see me drink, and there is nothing they can do. My shepherd ensures that. I have a life well-lived. 


6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

Are there any sweeter words than these? My Shepherd guides me to times of tranquility and peace, He protects and rescues me when in those dark valleys between those times of peace, and He grants me a life that is well-lived where my enemies can see the goodness of God extended to me.

The Psalmist concludes with the thought that the Shepherd’s goodness and love, as expressed in the previous verses, are eternal, not just a passing thing. He will ALWAYS ensure that we lack nothing. What a wonderful picture. What a wonderful life. What a wonderful God.

The Lord IS my Shepherd, indeed.

In His Grip,


Paige C. Garwood M.Ed; MFA


Psalm 23… A Life Well-Lived


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