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Hello world!

January 12, 2024

“Welcome to Coffee, Bible and Paige –  

I am your caffeine -imbued Host, Paige!”

That is how I introduce myself in every episode of my podcast. This blog is an extension of that Podcast.  In my blog you will find partial transcripts from my favorite  podcast episodes plus an editorial piece or two as the mood strikes me.

                                                                                         You need to know that

“I am on a mission… from God.”

(if you can name the movie, you get 1000 bonus points!)

and that mission entails making my way through as much of the Bible as I can, in a devotional style.

There are links to my Spotify and Apple Podcast podcasts  as well as to my video YouTube channel.

I will be emailing a weekly round-up newsletter as soon as I get that up and running. You will need to sign up for that.


On this site, you have three categories to search with…

  1. Bloggery… my meanderings – where I chat about this or that. These meanderings may or may not be related to the devotionals I am doing or to any specific Bible study. Meandering is a good word… even if I just made it up. It suits me.
  2. Bible Study… should be self-explanatory… but just in case it is not… these postings are derived from my near-daily Bible devotionals. Near-daily because I may miss a day or two.
  3. What I Believe… where I step aside from my normal daily devotional and focus on a topic that is core to what I believe as a Christ-follower. Every month is a new topic. January was about Salvation. February I will focus on the Apostle’s Creed. March? Not there yet.

There. That should give you what you need to know to find your way around my Blog.

One more thing… I would LOVE to hear from you. Please Email me at

In His grip,




Hello world!


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