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1 Peter… Summary

July 12, 2024

Suffering is coming. Expect it and be prepared.

This is my summary of the essence of Peter’s first letter to the churches.

Here is the video link:

1 Peter Wrap up

The audio links are to the right (Spotify and iTunes).

Here is the transcript for today’s podcast.

1 Peter Wrap-up

Chapter 1

You are going to suffer through trials and persecutions.

Peter was on Nero’s back porch, and along with Paul was soon to be executed by Nero. He could see what was coming.

His advice was to to be aware about what was happening and what was going to happen to them. Nero was coming for them. Focus on what Jesus has provided for them, the salvation purchased for them, and the glory and joy that was waiting for them.

Do not embrace the life this world offers you. That is like trying to appease the bully in school. He still will not like you, and his attitude toward you will not change. He will still hurt you when the opportunity presents itself.

Instead embrace each other, love each other – “Love God, Love your neighbor”.

Chapter 2

You are different from the world. Live a life that demonstrates that difference. Pursue God. Turn your back on all the things the world embraces – “…malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.” Instead, live like Jesus who “…committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.”

We are from another country, citizens of another nation, ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. THAT is the kingdom you represent. THAT is King you represent.

Chapter 3

Evil is coming. War is coming. Our response? “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called…”

Don’t fight evil with evil.

Chapter 4

When the world makes you suffer for being a Christ-follower, that is a sign that you have turned your back on the world and its sin. This is how the world lives “…in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry.” Turn from ANYTHING that leads you in those directions. If the world imprisons you, let it be because you WON’T do what they. If the world imprisons you, let it be because you WON’T say what they say.

Chapter 5  

Once again, Peter tells them to be alert and sober minded. Suffering and trials are coming…. remember, Peter is at the center of evil – in Rome, close to Nero. There will be anxiety when the enemy attacks… but cast your cares on God, Who delivers you.



Paige C. Garwood M.Ed; MFA


1 Peter… Summary


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