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…And just what DID Peter mean when he said that Jesus “made a proclamation to imprisoned spirits?” I’m not totally sure on that. But I am leaning in one direction. As is usual, here is the video link: 1 Peter 3:18-22 Audio links are to the right. Here is the transcript that todays podcast was […]

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I am not a debater. I will not argue with non-believers. I will not shy away from expressing my beliefs, but I won’t battle with unbelievers over them. Looks like Peter agrees with me (hah!). I am a witness, not the Prosecuting Attorney or the Judge. As a witness, I tell what I know, what […]

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Peter continues with his discussion on submission, applying it to husbands and wives. Is Peter teaching that wives are inferior to men? What does “submission” mean in the context of marriage? Are women the only ones who “submit” in that relationship? Here is the video Link: Husbands and Wives The audio links are to the […]

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Indeed… how SHOULD we then live? Peter calls us aliens… in other words we are not citizens of this world. We are citizens of the Kingdom of God. As such we should let the culture of the kingdom we are FROM dictate what we say and do, and not let the kingdom of the enemy […]

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Peter compares us as believers to newborn babies, and then to the stones used to construct a building being built on the Cornerstone i.e. Jesus. Here is the video link: 1 Peter 2:1-8 The audio links are to the right, as usual.   Here is the transcript for today’s episode: Chapter 2 2:1-3 the innocence […]

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Peter boils it all down to Revere God, Love others. The ability to do these two things springs from r4lationship with God. The video link is here: 1 Peter 1:18-25 and the audio links are to the right. Here is the transcript of today’s podcast: 1:18-25 Loving God, Loving Each Other 18 For you know  For […]

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“We are NOT citizens of this world. We belong to another kingdom, and we are expected to live our lives in accordance to the dictates of THAT Kingdom. The customs and dictates of the country we are now residing in do not have sovereignty over us. We are of the Kingdom of God, and our […]

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“Be Holy… as He is Holy.” That is Peter’s call to action. We have something so precious, so incredible – something the angels themselves have not experienced… grace and its result – our salvation. Our lives should reflect this grace into the world. VERY practical advice from the apostle. As usual, the audio links for […]

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  A powerful set of verses. Peter speaks about the inheritance we have – and our hope. He reinforces what Paul teaches when he states that God gives us new birth – it is not something earned by us… it is GIVEN by God out of His mercy, not our worthiness. Good stuff, folks. Enjoy! […]

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This is a powerful opening statement by Peter.  So much truth in so few words! In this podcast, I cover a bit on being the “elect”, and being “chosen”. Also – what does he mean when he calls the believers “exiles”? As per usual, here is the video link: Exiles, Chosen for Obedience Audio links to […]


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