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How what is happening to Caitlyn Clark (WNBA rookie) grieves me and drives me to look at 1 Peter. Peter’s letter is all about instructing believers in that 1st century in learning to live and cope with a society that is becoming increasingly hostile to them.   Here is the video link: Intro – 1 […]

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In the previous devotional, Paul tells the Ephesians to put on the “full armor of God” so that in the day of evil that is approaching, they will be able to stand. That “day of evil” in my opinion will be unleashed on the church and Israel around 67 A.D. when Rome sacks Jerusalem and […]

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There is so much food for thought in this passage. Paul uses the example of a Roman soldier to depict what we as Christians are called to be by God. He very much drives home that we are in a war with the enemy of our souls, and we are to be on the offense, […]

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In these verses Paul addresses parents/fathers and children, as well as masters and slaves. He is finishing up his discussion on relationships in the Body of Christ, begun in Chapter 5 where he discussed husbands and wives. Here is the video link: Fathers and Children; Masters and Slaves As per usual, the audio links to […]

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Submission might not mean EXACTLY what you think it does. What does Paul mean when he tells wives to submit to their husbands? Are they to be meek, submissive simpering doormats for whatever their husbands want? Nope. Give this podcast a listen. Here is the video link: Mutual Submission Audio links to Spotify and iTunes […]

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What does it mean to “Live as Light?” I have a thought or three to share on this topic. Light dispels darkness… it exposes those things hidden in the darkness. It provides comfort for some, and discomfort for others.   As usual, the video link is below, and the audio links can be found to […]

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This is a tough subject to talk on – immorality in our thoughts, words, and deeds… The implications are enormous. If we had someone who continually cheated on his or her spouse yet still claimed full membership in the Body of Christ, would we not be suspicious? Jesus said the thought was the action (See […]

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In today’s devotional,Paul starts to get VERY practical as he gives instruction pertaining to how we should live as Christ-followers. This is a task that is never-ending as long as we live on this planet.   As usual, here is the video link: RLRMTR The Spotify and the iTune links are to the right. Blessings! […]

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Once again, God’s Word reveals a bit of me to… me. Kind of the point for devotional time, isn’t it? Initially, I set out to do an in-depth study of these 10 verses… but I just could not tear my gaze away from verse 7, 8 and 11:     7 But to each one of […]

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  Paul gives a brief instruction on how he expects a true believer to act, and then bounces to what unity in the body of Christ looks like. Just what exactly does “Keeping unity through the bond of peace” look like?     The video link is here: Unity of the Church The Spotify and […]


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