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New Testament


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Paul does not pull his punches – not even a little – even in his concluding remarks. The video link to Youtube is here: Galatians 6:11-18 Spotify and iTunes links are to the right.   Blessings!!! Paige  

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Paul identifies another aspect of how a true follower of Christ should act… being a giver. Here is the YouTube link: Galatians 6:6-10   For Spotify or iTunes, look for the links to the right. Blessings! Paige

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Agape love requires us to be outward-focused… which sometimes means coming alongside someone trapped in sin to help them navigate their way out. Here is the Youtube link: Galatians 6:1-5 For iTunes and Spotify – see the links to the right! Blessings! Paige

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The results of following the Holy Spirit vs the results of following the “unholy spirit” of legalism. Here is the YouTube link: Galatians 5:16-26     For Spotify and iTunes, see the links to the right! Blessings, Paige

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There are two ways to think of the Law… ignoring it is not one of them.   See the links to the right to listen on Spotify and iTunes Podcast.   Here is the link to the video version on YouTube: Galatians 4:13-15   Blessings! Paige

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Paul continues to take aim at the false teachers and their wrongful application of the Law. We don’t pursue obedience to the Law as a means to obtain favor with God. But the Law still has a place in our lives. What is it? See the links to the right to find this podcast in […]

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What are we free to do in Christ? In this podcast I discuss what I think Paul is talking about when he talks about “falling from grace.” It is a tricky subject, but I am beginning to come to peace with this passage. Give it a listen and see what YOU think… and let me […]

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This had to have been a hard subject for Paul to address. His former beloved faith – Judaism – and his new found faith (beginning to be called Christianity) were incompatible. The Galatians HAVE to be able to see that they can NOT mix the two. And the Judaizers? They had to have been infuriated […]

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The Judaizers are trying to win the hearts of the Galatians from Paul. Are they succeeding? Do we see this type of behavior in today’s churches? Will truth win out – or will the popularity contest win folks over?   Here is the video link… Galatians 4:17-20 Click on the link to the right to […]

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I don’t know if anybody’s seen those movies where they show these ballroom dances back in the 14th, 15th, 16th century, where there are very ornate motions and movements between the dance partners. I kind of picture my Christian life like that –  a dance. And here’s my dance as a believer.  1. I want […]


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