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New Testament


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Today we’re going to finish up chapter one. And we’re going to begin in verses 11 and 12 where Paul introduces a VERY important point. Previously Paul stated that there is only one gospel. There ARE no other gospels. There’s just one. And throughout the rest of this chapter and on into chapter two, Paul […]

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  “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel.”   Paul wastes no time. You can decline a friend’s invitation. But you do NOT decline a king’s summon – (or called, as it is translated […]

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There’s something about Paul’s salutation in verses one through five that is kind of unique. Most ancient letters, Paul’s included, open with the salutation containing the author’s name, the name of those to whom he’s writing, and an expression of good wishes. Paul’s opening here does that. But in Paul’s other letters, he usually mentions […]

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Paul has to fight a battle on two fronts. On the one hand, he has to confront some false teachers personally concerning the foundation of their message/gospel that they are bringing to Galatia in his absence. Their view of Grace and the Law was wrong, according to Paul. On the other hand, (and perhaps this […]


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