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Suffering is coming. Expect it and be prepared. This is my summary of the essence of Peter’s first letter to the churches. Here is the video link: 1 Peter Wrap up The audio links are to the right (Spotify and iTunes). Here is the transcript for today’s podcast. 1 Peter Wrap-up Chapter 1 You are […]

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In these three verses there are some neat nuggets hiding out. This brief paragraph got me to thinking about God’s grace, and how that INCLUDES our trials and sufferings. Here is the video link to today’s podcast: Final Remarks As usual – Spotify and iTunes Podcast links are to the right. Here is the transcript […]

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Peter advises the younger men to emulate the elders by walking in humility and to realize that often, our path to the glory of God involves walking through suffering. Here is the video link: 1 Peter 5:5-11 Advice to the “youngers” The Audio links to Spotify and iTunes are to the right… Here is today’s […]

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Peter is giving instruction to the elders of the churches in light of the suffering they are experiencing and the suffering they will be experiencing. In this podcast I will also review some things John Piper said where he defines what an elder is. The video link is here: To the Elders The links to […]

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Peter encourages the recipients of this letter in the midst of the suffering they are currently experiencing and will experience as Nero begins to focus his anger on Christians. This is a timely message to today’s church as well. Peter makes it clear, however, that not all suffering is equal. Here is the video link: […]

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“The end of all things is near”. Pretty ominous words from the Apostle Peter. This puts urgency into his following advice to the church to Pray, Speak, and Serve. It’s a good word for today as well. Here is the video link for today’s podcast: 1 Peter 4:7-11… Pray, Speak, and Serve As usual, the […]

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When I bowed my knee to Christ in 1975, my conversion amounted to my turning my back on how I used to be, turning away from the sin in my life. At first, it was the big things… excessive drinking, smoking things legal and illegal, cursing, uncontrolled anger. As I continued from that time to […]

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…And just what DID Peter mean when he said that Jesus “made a proclamation to imprisoned spirits?” I’m not totally sure on that. But I am leaning in one direction. As is usual, here is the video link: 1 Peter 3:18-22 Audio links are to the right. Here is the transcript that todays podcast was […]

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I am not a debater. I will not argue with non-believers. I will not shy away from expressing my beliefs, but I won’t battle with unbelievers over them. Looks like Peter agrees with me (hah!). I am a witness, not the Prosecuting Attorney or the Judge. As a witness, I tell what I know, what […]

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Peter continues with his discussion on submission, applying it to husbands and wives. Is Peter teaching that wives are inferior to men? What does “submission” mean in the context of marriage? Are women the only ones who “submit” in that relationship? Here is the video Link: Husbands and Wives The audio links are to the […]


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