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This Psalm has so many powerful moments in it. While reading it, memories flooded in, causing me to remember a very terrible period in my life and also remembering how God delivered me from it. The audio links i.e. Spotify and iTunes are to the right, and the video link is here: Psalms 33 Here […]

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The Psalmist has gone through a time when he thought he was going to die, and apparently, God was silent. What did the Psalmist do? Here is the video link: Psalm 30… What to do when God is silent The audio links are to the right. Here is the transcript used for today’s podcast: Psalm […]

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It’s interesting that the Psalmist uses the violent aspects of nature to represent the voice of God – thunder, lightning, stormy seas, earthquakes, and tornados. Is there a subliminal message here? The video link is here: Psalm 29 – the Voice of God The audio links are to the right… i.e. Spotify and iTunes Here […]

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Sometimes God takes me on a tangent when I read His Word. I will read a passage and it triggers something in me that causes me to chase down a thought or two that may or may not be related to the passage at hand. Here is the video link: Psalm 27:4-13 The audio links […]

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“Strike me down, Darth, and I will become more powerful than you can imagine.” What do these words uttered by Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars Episode IV) have to do with these verses in Psalm 27? The fictional character, Obi-Wan, understood the bigger picture where Darth Vader, his former pupil now turned adversary, was concerned only […]

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What does David mean when he claims to be “Blameless”? Hint: He is not saying he is sinless. This Psalm was a real eye-opener for me and took me three days to complete. Not gonna lie… David’s claim of being “blameless” caught my eye. Because I KNOW David was NOT sinless.  I took my time […]

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In this Psalm, David implores God to teach him. In this Psalm David points to the fact that Who the teacher is impacts the content the teacher brings into your classroom. Here is the video link: Psalm 25 The audio podcast links are to the right (Spotify and iTunes). Below is the transcript I worked […]

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I hesitated to do a devotional on this classic Psalm. There is so much stuff out there about this Shepherd’s Psalm, that I considered NOT doing a devotional on this Psalm. But …. God showed up and granted me one of the most rewarding times as I went through these verses. Here is the Video […]

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Whereas Psalm 21 was titled “Outside Looking In” written from the viewpoint of the author/observer observing the King’s actions and reactions to a coming battle, Psalm 22 gives us the “Inside Looking Out” point of view i.e. the kings own point of view. I doubt if they are talking about the same conflict – but […]

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The writer of Psalm 21 is someone I have chosen to call “The Observer”. He is recording his thoughts as he observes the king and the king’s relationship with God. I again refer to that period in my life when I was unemployed and facing disaster. What I was feeling and saying in the privacy […]


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