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When reading this Psalm I chuckled, thinking that it was incredible that over 2500 years ago, someone actually prayed for ME! This Psalm is a song or prayer for the king as he goes out to battle. I am in a battle every day against the enemy of my soul and the principle in this […]

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One of the things I used to forget is that the apostles and the teachers of the 1st century weren’t making things up when they taught and when they wrote to the various church communities scattered around the Mediterranean. Their source of information for their sermons and their writings was the Torah –  what we […]

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Many times we are all brag until faced with reality. That was me when I was a child in Alaska – I used to brag about how I would respond if I ever saw a bear in the wild. All those visions of myself vanished when a bear actually showed up. That is also the […]

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Genuine faith isn’t demonstrated until all hope appears lost. This is an incredible Psalm, with a TON of meaning wrapped up in just a few verses. Here is the video link: Psalm 13 – Genuine Faith The audio links for Spotify and iTunes are to the right. Here is the transcript used for today’s podcast. […]

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This is the most political you will ever see me get. But after watching our two Presidential candidates speak recently, Psalm 12 took on a very contemporary feel. Here is the video link: Psalm 12 The audio links for Spotify and iTunes are to the right. Here is the transcript used for today’s podcast: Psalm […]

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It’s amazing what a difference in perspective can look like. David’s counselors see an overwhelming enemy. David sees God. David’s counselors want him to retreat to higher ground. David, apparently, sees things differently, because he knows God, and sees God’s hand  in his current situation. The Psalm doesn’t giver us David’s final decision, but it […]

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I am sure the Psalmist didn’t have schoolyard bullies in mind when he wrote this… But as I read these words, they dredged up memories from nearly 60 years ago when I was terrorized by schoolyard bullies. Maybe David was talking about wicked men like Goliath. But where he saw Goliath, I saw my bullies. […]

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Another favorite stop on our Roadtrip through the Psalms. Here is the video link: O Lord, our Lord! Audio links are to the right, and the transcript is below. Psalm 8… O Lord our Lord Introduction Just because I am a skeptic doesn’t mean I don’t believe something when it happens right under my nose. […]

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To make this a bit more relatable, consider the external context of this Psalm. This is the last Psalm in a series of three (3,4,5) that occur within the events surrounding Absalom’s usurping of his father David’s throne. David has been betrayed not only by his son Absalom, but by one of his closest advisors […]

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In these three verses, David describes the enemies of God. Personally, I find similarities between David’s words and what Paul says in Romans 3 and 6 when he describes the nonbelievers. An old preacher once told me that the “Old Testament is the New Testament concealed. The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.” I […]


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