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The Judaizers are trying to win the hearts of the Galatians from Paul. Are they succeeding? Do we see this type of behavior in today’s churches? Will truth win out – or will the popularity contest win folks over?   Here is the video link… Galatians 4:17-20 Click on the link to the right to […]

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I don’t know if anybody’s seen those movies where they show these ballroom dances back in the 14th, 15th, 16th century, where there are very ornate motions and movements between the dance partners. I kind of picture my Christian life like that –  a dance. And here’s my dance as a believer.  1. I want […]

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Paul digs in more here, trying to get the Galatians attention. To walk from Grace to Law is to walk from life to death.   Were Paul’s efforts in Galatia wasted? Here is the video link… Galatians 4:8-11 And find me on Spotify or Apple by on the links to the right….     Blessings! […]

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These are seven hard-hitting verses from Paul. He continues the discussion surrounding the “pedagogue and the ward” and what happens when the ward comes of age. …and something unexpected (to me) – a call to prayer. What if all it took to unleash God’s power in my life was prayer? What if all it took […]

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In this episode, Paul continues his demolition of the Judaizer’s arguments, reminding the Galatians that the Judaizers are not offering them something they don’t already have – connection to Abraham. You can view the whole video here: Galatians 3:23-29 And as always, search for “Coffe, the Bible. and Paige” on Apple and Spotify podcast platforms […]

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Paul begins to dismantle his opponents arguments by circling his wagons around the fact that before the Law came, Abraham “…believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness…”. You can watch the podcast here: Galatians 3:15-22 And as always, you can search Spotify and Apple Podcasts using “Coffee, the Bible, and Paige” for […]

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Welcome! A little about my “process” of developing my Bible devotionals on my podcasts…. The process that I’m using is based on Psalms 1:  1 Blessed is the one    who does not walk in step with the wickedor stand in the way that sinners take    or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the […]


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