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Paul begins to dismantle his opponents arguments by circling his wagons around the fact that before the Law came, Abraham “…believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness…”. You can watch the podcast here: Galatians 3:15-22 And as always, you can search Spotify and Apple Podcasts using “Coffee, the Bible, and Paige” for […]

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Paul turns to the core theology of his Gospel – that Faith is enough. They were not saved by becoming circumcised – they were saved the instant they believed the Gospel. And this “believing” puts them in good company – Abraham!       You can view the video here: And the Audio-only version […]

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I’ve got Galatians to thank for a couple things. It’s opening my eyes up on the dynamic of the early church leadership. Currently, I’m beginning to see that there were basically two parties in the early church, the Peter, James and John party and the Paul party. Or think of it as the Jerusalem church […]

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Paul has to fight a battle on two fronts. On the one hand, he has to confront some false teachers personally concerning the foundation of their message/gospel that they are bringing to Galatia in his absence. Their view of Grace and the Law was wrong, according to Paul. On the other hand, (and perhaps this […]


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