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What follows are a collection of thoughts from my podcast series on Galatians. As I closed the book on Galatians, these are the things I think about as a result of this study. They are more or less in the order that these thoughts appeared in my study of Galatians, but not necessarily. The Law […]

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Paul does not pull his punches – not even a little – even in his concluding remarks. The video link to Youtube is here: Galatians 6:11-18 Spotify and iTunes links are to the right.   Blessings!!! Paige  

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What are we free to do in Christ? In this podcast I discuss what I think Paul is talking about when he talks about “falling from grace.” It is a tricky subject, but I am beginning to come to peace with this passage. Give it a listen and see what YOU think… and let me […]

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This had to have been a hard subject for Paul to address. His former beloved faith – Judaism – and his new found faith (beginning to be called Christianity) were incompatible. The Galatians HAVE to be able to see that they can NOT mix the two. And the Judaizers? They had to have been infuriated […]

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In this episode we look at Galatians 3 v10-14. Paul explains WHY the Law can never bring justification. He will address this from three perspectives: 1. those who live under the law, are under the law’s curse. The law pronounces a curse upon everyone who fails to keep the law in its entirety. 2. no […]

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Paul turns to the core theology of his Gospel – that Faith is enough. They were not saved by becoming circumcised – they were saved the instant they believed the Gospel. And this “believing” puts them in good company – Abraham!       You can view the video here: And the Audio-only version […]

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In this passage, Paige discusses his experience in music composition and how understanding rules and theory did not enable him to compose like Mozart. The analogy is then applied to the first century, focusing on the Jewish nation’s reliance on rules derived from the examples and words of the  patriarchs. Paige then transitions to Paul’s […]

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I’ve got Galatians to thank for a couple things. It’s opening my eyes up on the dynamic of the early church leadership. Currently, I’m beginning to see that there were basically two parties in the early church, the Peter, James and John party and the Paul party. Or think of it as the Jerusalem church […]

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“1 Then after 14 years, I went up again to Jerusalem, this time with Barnabas. I took Titus along also. 2 I went in response to a revelation and, meeting privately with those esteemed as leaders, I presented to them the gospel that I am currently preaching among the Gentiles. I wanted to be sure […]

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Today we’re going to finish up chapter one. And we’re going to begin in verses 11 and 12 where Paul introduces a VERY important point. Previously Paul stated that there is only one gospel. There ARE no other gospels. There’s just one. And throughout the rest of this chapter and on into chapter two, Paul […]


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