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I wrap up my series on what I believe about Jesus. Today I focus on an aspect of following Him that is sometimes overlooked… the offense of the cross. We are not called to be obnoxious. But eventually we WILL offend. Here is the YouTube link: What I Believe… Jesus Part 4 As always – […]

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In this third installment for February’s “What I Believe” topic of Jesus, I share what I believe about Him. I refer to the Apostle’s Creed for my text, but I also share a bit about intellectual honesty. Believe it or not, it all ties together. Give it a listen and tell me what you think! […]

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What did JESUS say about Himself? Was He God? Was He a good man executed for doing good things? Was He a good and moral teacher? Here is the Video link to the podcast… What I Believe… Jesus Part 2 For Spotify and Apple – check the links to the right. Blessings! Paige

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In this episode I present my first February devotional in the “What I Believe” series. This month I will be sharing what I believe about Jesus. As I was preparing, I read something on the Internet that bothered me and got under my skin. Somebody wrote something to the effect of  “I find it hard […]


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