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Once again, God’s Word reveals a bit of me to… me. Kind of the point for devotional time, isn’t it? Initially, I set out to do an in-depth study of these 10 verses… but I just could not tear my gaze away from verse 7, 8 and 11:     7 But to each one of […]

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  Paul gives a brief instruction on how he expects a true believer to act, and then bounces to what unity in the body of Christ looks like. Just what exactly does “Keeping unity through the bond of peace” look like?     The video link is here: Unity of the Church The Spotify and […]

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This passage gave me a lot to think about. Do I REALLY understand God’s love for me? Do I REALLY understand who I was without Him and who I am IN Him? There is a powerful message to me in these verses. I would love to know that you were blessed by these verses as […]

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This is a VERY important passage. Here Paul emphasizes this incredibly NEW thing that is happening  – the creation a NEW people, a NEW thing called the Body of Christ wherein Gentiles and Jews are on equal footing. This is not an outgrowth of Judaism… this is new. The endgame of God’s choosing of Israel […]

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Gentile believers, who used to be outsiders, not connected in any way to God, who did not know God’s house even existed, have now been moved into God’s house, adopted  by Him to become members of His family with all the rights and privileges of a son or daughter. You are not a “distant relative” […]

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Quite possibly on ofmthe most powerful 10 verses I have read in a long time. Paul lays the foundation for what he believes about salvation. Every facet of our salvation is of God. If any part of our redemption belongs to us – then it is not grace. And we are not redeemed. We were […]

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We are chosen by God to participate in the riches of Heaven. We have been joined to a glorious future awaiting us.  Paul prayed that we might have Holy Spirit-inspired wisdom and revelation that we might know Him… NOW…and in this knowing, understand the hope He has called us to, embracing His riches and His […]

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Right out of the chute, Paul brings up predestination. He says it is based on God’s love for us. Let’s chat a bit about it, shall we? Here is the video link Ephesians 1:1-6   Spotify and iTines podcast links are to the right. Blessings! Paige

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Ephesians is really a letter to the church at Ephesus AND all the other churches in Asia Minor that were the result of the meteoric move of God in Ephesus during Paul’s three year tenure there. This letter has no recriminations – no church-specific doctrinal or behavioral issues. This letter was written approximately 10 years […]

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Paul does not pull his punches – not even a little – even in his concluding remarks. The video link to Youtube is here: Galatians 6:11-18 Spotify and iTunes links are to the right.   Blessings!!! Paige  


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