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In these three verses, David describes the enemies of God. Personally, I find similarities between David’s words and what Paul says in Romans 3 and 6 when he describes the nonbelievers. An old preacher once told me that the “Old Testament is the New Testament concealed. The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.” I […]

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In these opening verses I see two types of prayer spoken to. The formal, perhaps memorized prayers and the “off the cuff” spontaneous prayers in a time of crisis. Here is the video link: Prayers The Audio links to Spotify and iTunes are to the right. Here is the transcript used to record this podcast. […]

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Psalm 3 comes out of the backdrop of David’s failure as a father and a king. Absalom his son has successfully completed a four year plot to usurp the throne. David is fleeing Jerusalem with almost everyone in Israel against him. He has failed as a father and a king – and is facing the […]

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The Psalmist uses the picture of harvesting grain to describe what the ultimate end of the wicked is. The video link is here: Psalm 1:4-6… The Wicked The audio links are to the right (Spotify and iTunes). Below is the transcript used for  today’s podcast: Psalm 1:4-6 The Wicked 4  Not so the wicked! They […]

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What do the tree, water, and fruit mean? What does the “prosperity” spoken of in this verse look like? I discuss all of this in this very powerful verse. When you “delight in the Law of the Lord” and “meditate day and night” on it, true Biblical prosperity is the result. Here is the video […]

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Give a listen as I share exactly WHY Psalm 1 is my favorite Psalm and why my favorite verse is verse 2. My view towards the Bible has totally changed because of this Psalm.   Here is the video link: Delighting and Meditating The audio links to Spotify and iTunes are to the right, and […]

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Welcome to the new series “Road Trip!” as I walk through my favorite Psalms. Today it is verse 1 of my absolute FAVORITE Psalm. In fact, this Psalm is the primary Scripture passage that kickstarted the Podcasts I have been doing for the last 3 + years! In this first verse, the Psalmist contrasts the […]

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Get set for another journey… through my favorite Psalms. Here is the video of this introduction: My Favorite Psalms Introduction There is no “audio-only” for this Introduction, as this introduction will be repeated on the first episode of the series – Psalm 1. Here is the transcript for the short video: Introduction “I’ll let you […]


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