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  A powerful set of verses. Peter speaks about the inheritance we have – and our hope. He reinforces what Paul teaches when he states that God gives us new birth – it is not something earned by us… it is GIVEN by God out of His mercy, not our worthiness. Good stuff, folks. Enjoy! […]

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Quite possibly on ofmthe most powerful 10 verses I have read in a long time. Paul lays the foundation for what he believes about salvation. Every facet of our salvation is of God. If any part of our redemption belongs to us – then it is not grace. And we are not redeemed. We were […]

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These are seven hard-hitting verses from Paul. He continues the discussion surrounding the “pedagogue and the ward” and what happens when the ward comes of age. …and something unexpected (to me) – a call to prayer. What if all it took to unleash God’s power in my life was prayer? What if all it took […]

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Paul begins to dismantle his opponents arguments by circling his wagons around the fact that before the Law came, Abraham “…believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness…”. You can watch the podcast here: Galatians 3:15-22 And as always, you can search Spotify and Apple Podcasts using “Coffee, the Bible, and Paige” for […]

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In this episode we look at Galatians 3 v10-14. Paul explains WHY the Law can never bring justification. He will address this from three perspectives: 1. those who live under the law, are under the law’s curse. The law pronounces a curse upon everyone who fails to keep the law in its entirety. 2. no […]

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Paul turns to the core theology of his Gospel – that Faith is enough. They were not saved by becoming circumcised – they were saved the instant they believed the Gospel. And this “believing” puts them in good company – Abraham!       You can view the video here: And the Audio-only version […]

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In this passage, Paige discusses his experience in music composition and how understanding rules and theory did not enable him to compose like Mozart. The analogy is then applied to the first century, focusing on the Jewish nation’s reliance on rules derived from the examples and words of the  patriarchs. Paige then transitions to Paul’s […]

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In this passage, the speaker continues discussing the conflict between Paul and the Judaizers in Galatia. The focus is on Peter’s actions in Antioch, where he initially associated with Gentiles but later withdrew due to pressure from the circumcision group. Paul confronts Peter publicly for his hypocrisy, emphasizing the truth of the gospel – that […]

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In this episode, I conclude the series on what I believe about Salvation by interviewing my good friend and Pastor of The Church at the Ridge in Dallas, Georgia, Michael Anderson. We discuss the conclusions I have come to in my study of Salvation, to see if I am a crackpot (grin). It’s a good […]

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  “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel.”   Paul wastes no time. You can decline a friend’s invitation. But you do NOT decline a king’s summon – (or called, as it is translated […]


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